03 October 2024

Factsheet with SLCP on Enhancing Social and Labor Compliance

Factsheet with SLCP on Enhancing Social and Labor Compliance
In this publication Solidaridad and SLCP were interested in looking at how the purchasing practices of brands can either mitigate or worsen legal non-compliances to social and labour standards at textile facilities.

We need to understand how purchasing practices impact compliance if we want to drive sustainable improvements in working conditions. Do brands set unrealistic lead times, or demand unsustainable pricing? If so they may unintentionally drive facilities to cut corners on compliance in the areas of wage and excessive overtime, for instance. Conversely we must also ask, if brands take a more collaborative approach, can they actually support suppliers in meeting social and labour standards. As the data compiled by SLCP will show active stakeholder engagement, especially from brands, is critical in addressing these compliance challenges, as it promotes stronger partnerships that support responsible purchasing practices.

Download the full sheet by clicking on the image.